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Richard "Rick" Schultz

An Indiana State USBC 2020 Hall of Fame inductee, Rick Schultz, was born September 15, 1951, in Richmond, Indiana, and he has lived in New Paris, Ohio, (just across the Indiana-Ohio State line) all his life. He married Amy Harrell on July 14, 1973, and they have one daughter, Amanda (Scott Johnson), one grandson (Samuel) and one granddaughter (Abigale). Rick graduated from National High School in 1969, worked at National Automatic Tool Company (NATCO), Graphic Press in Richmond through 1972, when he went to work for Corning Inc. in Greenville, Ohio, where he retired after 30 years of service.

He started bowling at age 12 at Sunset Lanes in Lewisburg, Ohio, and moved to 40 Bowl, Richmond, in 1975 when Sunset Lanes closed. Rick has averaged in the 180’s to 190’s, has bowled 2-290s, a 296 and 299, with a high series of 744. Rick bowled in many Wayne County local tournaments, many Indiana State Tournaments, and 16 National Tournaments. He won titles in the Wayne County Seniors in the 55 to 59 Class in 2010 and 2011.

Rick was appointed Director on the Wayne County Bowling Association in 1991-92 season by President Virgil Petry and served as a director until 1996-97 season when he became Vice President. In the 1998-99 season, Rick was elected President and served a one-year term.

In 1999, he became the Assistant Executive Director to Randy Calvelage; in 2003, he became the Executive Director. In 2005, ABC restructured into USBC; he was hired by the Board of Directors as the Wayne County USBC Men’s Bowling Association Manager. In August 2009, the Wayne County Men and Women’s Boards merged into the Wayne County USBC Association, and he was once again hired as the Association Manager. Rick retired from that position at the end of the 2013 season.

Rick served on the Wayne County USBC Audit/Financial/Legal committee, the Jamboree/Annual Meeting committee, as well as the PR/Awards, Scholarship, Lane Certification and Hall of Fame committees. He also served on the local committees for the 1994, 2004 and 2011 State Tournaments held in Richmond.

He has been extremely active supporting all Fifth District events and Jamborees.

Rick has been a Team Captain, President and Secretary of several leagues, and he was the Secretary for the Preble County League for 22 years. Additionally, Rick was a youth coach for the Juniors, Seniors and Majors at 40 Bowl in the late 1990’s to the early 2000’s.

Rick was inducted in the Wayne County USBC Association Hall of Fame in 2012.

In October 2006, Rick became the Assistant Tournament Manager for the Indiana State Open Championship Tournament, which he held until October 2014 when he assumed the role of the Indiana State Open Tournament Manager. Rick is currently serving on the Indiana State USBC Technology Team and has done so since its formation in June 2015. Rick has been instrumental in helping the Technology Team institute new technology, such as the PDF Fillable Entry Form, options for Winlabs remote access during tournaments, Enhancement Network Infrastructure, digital signage, Team App Development, and digital check-in, which has greatly reduced the time for championship bowlers to check-in and make changes. These processes are currently being used at most of the IS USBC Tournaments.

Rick led the On-Line Entry/PayPal Payment Project for the Open Championship Tournament. This project has been extremely successful as evidenced by the number of entries and payments received through this system over the last two years.

In 2018, when the Indiana State USBC BA, Indiana State USBC WBA, and Indiana State USBC YA merged into one organization, the Indiana State USBC selected Rick as the Assistant Association Manager. Since then, Rick has continued as the Open Championship Tournament Manager and a mentor to other Indiana State USBC Tournament Managers.

Rick’s assistance has been invaluable to the Indiana State USBC Association Manager and the Indiana State USBC Board of Directors during this time.

Congratulations Rick on your induction into the Indiana State USBC Hall of Fame and thank you for all your services past and future to the bowling community!

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