Links of Interest to help make your State Championship bowling experience enjoyable at Pro Bowl West.
Welcome to the 2025 IS Open Championship
2/15/2025 – 5/11/2025
Pro Bowl West
1455 Goshen Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
To see all the brackets and side pots free on your phone, download TeamApp. Directions are provided with step-by-step instructions on how to easily set it up, then just click on the state tournament of your choice.
Tournament Office—Behind lanes 55-56
Next year’s Reservations with Charles “Chip” Rott, Tournament Manager
Bracket Office—Behind lanes 51-52
Side Pots
Clean 30
New Mystery Game—Pay $5 in each event; match random number drawn with 1st & 2nd scratch games (only); payout after each game
3-6-9 Strike Side Pot
Load “Stack Team App” to your phone for—
Tournament Standings as they become available
Bracket Results as they are processed
Specials to look for—
Special Raffle this season – $5 per ticket
3 Brunswick balls (Black Widow 3.0, NU Blue, and Extreme Envy)
—Includes a 3-ball Hammer Bowling bag
Ball Raffles TBD
300/800 Awards—sponsored Brunswick brands; shoot a 300 or 800 and win a Brunswick branded ball–compliments of our sponsor
Last Year’s Champions and Winners
Find it at Pro Bowl West…
Control Desk—Behind Lanes 29-30
Visit website at—probowlwest.comvcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]
Pro Shop—Behind Lanes
Bar—Behind Lanes
Snack Bar—Behind Lanes 33-34 (Big Dawg Bar & Grill)
Restrooms—Behind Lanes 5-6 and 47-48
Arcade—Behind Lanes 41-42
Billiard Room—
Questions & Comments can be directed to IS USBC Open Tournament Championship Manager Charles “Chip” Rott, (317) 416-4587 or IS USBC Association Manager Brian Nunning, (812) 629-0352
Indiana State USBC Sponsors